Before deciding to order the outfit I was wearing for the Beauty Event at work, I was actually stressed about which dress to wear as it just kept me wondering if it should be "Black and Pink" or fully pink. There was a vote between the 2 here
This is the dress that the majority voted... and it seemed to be the one that suits me better...
But this is the one that my boyfriend prefers... I love it, but I would only order it if I decide to wear itfor party purposes....
Anyway, so far I really don't regret ordering the dress as the design with the pussybow neck n the puffy end of the dress made it all unique...
Thanks for those who paid compliaments to me for wearing this dress and those who decided that I should order this dress, and I promise it's going to be the dress I will wear more than this one time...
And obviously... I had NO time to iron my dress before wearing it or showing the video... but I hope my impression of grooming had not yet been ruined?! LOL... But I'm still being a good girl obeying the rules of not wearing UGGs, sneakers or open-toed shoes in the operation hours I work in the dep store... Other dress code restriction: No wearing jeans-and black is a must though no one has uniform to wear... Hopefully I can find the time to film a video of a collection of outfits I wear and to show how I manage to show my unique ideas and obeying the dress code at work... Please let me know if this video will be worth looking forward to :)