Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Update: Yays

30th follower:

The 30th follower Ushishi (Ana) finally clicked follow! Thank you ever so much, I hope we can become good friends like any other blogspot people I have spoken to... as well as please continue to stay tuned with my latest update of giveaway!  One of the things I am intending to buy will be via a friend of my boyfriend's in Hong Kong, so it's the last prize through the parcel that I am waiting for before the video of announcement goes up!  I won't be disclosing the prizes for the youtube and blogspot giveaway, but it will be disclosed at the same time the announcement of giveaway starts running =)

The latest video: Requirements to become a flight attendant:

By the way, dropping the Iphone in this video was not intended and um... this is actually my first time using Iphone4 to film the video.... yes, so something special towards this video that "plain answering" won't be as boring after all!

I hope this video will be helpful to those viewers and subscribers who will be intending to become a flight attendant after they completed high school or college.

Please appreciate as this is a video I have spent 8 hours trying to upload last night, thank you!


Anonymous said...

Very good information! The beginning was to funny :P~~

Unknown said...

Congrats on the 30 followers! And you are so cute in the video! hehe Flight attendant sounds like such a fun job - I probably would have liked to become one if I didn't end up going to college :)

chelle said...

Big congrats on the followers Ronnie!!

Awwww I love your accent! I always wanted to live in England so I could have a British accent. I have to make do with putting one on but it's pretty good actually =p Cute vid! I get so airsick but if I didn't I think it would be so awesome to be a flight attendant.

Love your new layout btw!

B.K. said...
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